
Full list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.

Semi-supervised Segmentation of Histopathology Images with Noise-Aware Topological Consistency
Meilong Xu, Xiaoling Hu, Saumya Gupta, Shahira Abousamra, Chao Chen
ECCV 2024. [code]

Before Ph.D.

Infrared and visible image fusion via parallel scene and texture learning
Meilong Xu, Linfeng Tang, Hao Zhang, Jiayi Ma
Pattern Recognition 2022. [code]

STDFusionNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Salient Target Detection
Jiayi Ma, Linfeng Tang, Meilong Xu, Hao Zhang, Guobao Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2021. [code]